Let's Get This Party Started- Warm Ups

March 6, 2013


Should schools have separate classes for boys and girls?

FCA #1: Clearly state your claim (20 pts.)
FCA #2: Cite 2 pieces of test evidence and explain how text     evidence supports your claim (60 pts.)
FCA #3: Provide a counterclaim with 1 piece of text evidence (20 pts.)

March 4, 2013

Write a short fictitious story about what goes on in this castle. Your story must be at least 10 lines. (15 minutes)

February 20, 2013

Type 2 Quiz:
There are 3 elements to an argument:
Claim, Support & Counter Claim
Explain the purpose of each element and explain why it is important.

February 19, 2013
Patt Johnson from The Des Moines Register writes:

Weather folks are predicting up to 11 inches of snow Thursday. That has many Iowans thinking about hitting the grocery store.

Hy-Vee expects shoppers will scoop up bread, milk, eggs, bananas and an assortment of frozen foods, especially pizza, said Ruth Comer, spokeswoman. “Those kinds of things will go quickly,” Comer said. People don’t want to be without those staples if they are snowbound for a day or two, she said.

List 3 things your parents will most likely pick up before a snow storm.
List 2 things you will most likely spend your time doing during a snow storm.
List your #1 reason why you hope we do, or do not, have a snow day this week.

February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Complete Miss Lewis's Top 10 list of cheesy, PG rated, pick up lines by coming up with your own for numbers 3, 2, and 1.

10. Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call FINE PRINT!

9. If you were a booger, I'd pick you first.

8. I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?

7.If you were a burger at McDonalds, you'd be McGorgeous.

6. I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.

5. My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in.

4. Hey... Didn't I see your name in the dictionary under "Shazaam!"?


February 13, 2013

GONE Characters
You have 1 minute and 30 seconds.
List as many characters of the FAYZ as you can.
You can use names or character nicknames.
(Miss Lewis's list has 24 names...)

February 11, 2013
Today you will be competing against the members in your small group. You will have 4 minutes to come up with 1 item for each category listed. Each item must start with the litter 'S'.  When 4 minutes are up, share your answers in your small group.

1. a pizza topping                        7. household chore 
2. an animal                                 8. an article of clothing
3. a color                                      9. an after school snack
4. form of transportation           10. a bad habit
5. occupation                              11. items you throw away
6. school supplies                      12. something that didn't exist
                                                            20 years ago.

February 4, 2013
What do you cherish?
Think of what you most cherish, or hold dear. Is it worth a lot of money, or is it valuable because of a memory that is important to you?

Make a list of three to five things you cherish. Explain why each item is important to you.

January 31, 2013

Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson (January 31, 1919- October 24, 1972) was an American baseball player who became the first black Major League Baseball player of the modern era. Robinson broke the baseball color line when he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.

If Jackie Robinson were alive today, it would be his 94th birthday.

If you could meet any famous celebrity or athlete, alive or dead, who would you most like to meet? What would you talk about?

You have 10 minutes- Write at least 10 lines and include at least 2 questions you'd ask.
January 29, 2013

Anywhere But Here
If you could be anywhere but here, right now, where would you go? Write 8 lines explaining at least 3 reasons why you would choose this destination.

January 28, 2013
Write 10 lines. Your topic: The BEST book I ever read (or had read to me)...

January 18, 2013

With the Presidential Inauguration happening on Monday, it got me thinking. What would you do if you were President of the United States? List 5 things you would do, change, create or implement if you were the President. Then choose which item would be the most difficult to achieve and write 5 lines explaining why.

January 17, 2013
Money to Burn!

 Congratulations! Your parents have just won a bajillion dollars. For your birthday, they are letting you buy / build / create any one item you want. You have 8 minutes to write 15 lines describing your awesome birthday gift.

January 15, 2013

Highs and Lows of Super Powers: Think of a super power or supernatural ability you would love to have. You have 6 minutes write at least 10 lines describing your ability and how you would use it on a daily basis. 

January 10, 2013 

Not everyone has what it takes to be a leader. When the apartment building caught fire, Sam Temple reluctantly stepped up into the leadership role when nobody else would. Would you make a good leader? You have 5 minutes. Write at least 6 lines.

January 9, 2013

When I was in third grade, my family went to the zoo. My mom told me, "Go into the aviary and feed the birds. You'll be fine."

She lied.

You have five minutes. Write 10 lines about a time you faced your fear. How did that work out for you?

January 8, 2013

An Interview with the author of GONE, Michael Grant.

As you watch the interview, write 10 lines detailing your thoughts about Mr. Grant, and any questions you have for him about his book, or his life as an author.

January 7, 2013

Finding Themes: Partly Cloudy, a Disney PIXAR Short

For your warm up, click the picture below and complete the final section of your "Finding Themes" worksheet.

January 4, 2013 

New class read aloud: Gone by Michael Grant ( You can follow this author on Twitter @thefayz )

Synopsis: In the blink of an eye.  Everyone disappears.  GONE.
Everyone except for the young.  Teens.  Middle schoolers. Toddlers.  But not a single adult.  No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents.  Gone, too are the phones, internet, and television.  There is no way to get help.

Hunger threatens.  Bullies rule.  A sinister creature lurks.  Animals are mutating.  And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents --unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers --that grow stronger by the day.

Write:  List 3 possible conflicts that could occur in this book. Next, choose one of the conflicts from your list and explain why you think this conflict would be the most dangerous.

January 3, 2013 

"Mr. Linden's Library" from Chris VanAllsburg's The Mysteries of Harris Burdick

"He had warned her not to read the book. Now it was too late."
You have 7 minutes. What happened next?

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