Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dr.Martin luther King

  Dr.Martin L. king was the young when he graduated dr.mlk was 15 when he graduated. Dr. mlk had 4 children to a women name Coretta. Their names are Yolanda, Martin Luther III, Dexter Scott and Bernice.
      King was a peace for person he didnt believe in violence. King used marches,picketing,and boycotts to change repressiive  laws and conditions.  He made peaceful speeches also he made the 'I Have A Dream' speech.
    Martin got arrested 20x to make a point.
Dr.Martin Luther King Jr was a great man who liked all people colored or not. Two interesting things about Dr.King I didnt know are, he got stabed, and he was the youngest kid to get the nobel piece prize.
        Dr.King was loved by many, but also hated by many. One day while Dr.King was out giving a speech an explosive bomb was planted under the porch of his house. servere damage was done. Alot of people hated mlk because he was black.
             Dr. King thought the dream was "That all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." That we will notice amazing universalism. This does not say some man or just white men it say all men no matter what religion or what skin color.

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