Monday, February 11, 2013

insperatonal speech

  Dr.King was a vary brave man. He ended segregation and brought peace to the earth. Things would be a whole lot different right now if it wernt for him. Its a shame that he died. Mr.King made a vary inspiring speech that brought everyone together. Mr.Kings character was good, he was a great person and vary smart and always gave a great speech.
    When Dr.King got out of prison he started on the American dream. a dream that would bring everyone together, a dream that would make everyone a better person on the inside. He wanted everyone to be happy and be comfortable in there own skin. So he created a speech. A inspiring speech.
     Dr.King faced a few obstacles. But them obstacles made him get to the point even better. One obstacle he faced was he got put in jail for something that didn't even matter. Another obstacle was no white man wanted to follow thro with his beliefs.
    Dr.Kings suggestions for making everything better was a vary inspiring speech. And it worked. Jesus, wish i could make an inspiring speech for all them people that love fighting so much.
    A lesson we can all learn from Dr.king is to not be violent and create peace. Because you can create your own hell or live in a heaven. Its up to you. 

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